- UniChem Potassium Nitrate is a water-soluble NK fertilizer containing 13.5% nitrate nitrogen and 46% potassium oxide (38.4%). Comparable with other water-soluble potassium sources, UniChem Potassium Nitrate offers additional benefits including:
- High purity and low salt index.
- High solubility.
- Low chlorine level.
- High N: K ratio and readily available Nitrate Nitrogen.
- Free flowing.
- Low moisture content.
- UniChem Potassium Nitrate can be used for flowers, vegetables, strawberries, soilless culture, (indoor and outdoor), tobacco, potatoes, fruit trees, grapes, citrus, pineapples, cotton, bananas, mango, olives, home gardens, lawns.UniChem Potassium Nitrate K content provides numerous positive effects such as, Increase root growth, improves drought resistance, reduces water loss and wilting, enhances winter hardiness & improves resistance to pests and diseases. These effects lead to several quality improvements that are reflected as:
- Increases protein content in plants.
- Increases starch contain in grains and tubers.
- Increases vitamin C and solid soluble content.
- Improves fruit color and flavor.
- Improve fruit size.
- Increases peel thickness.
- Reduces Physiological disorders (creasing and cracking in citrus, blotchy ripening complex in tomato…etc)
- Enhances storage and shipping quality.
- Extends shelf life.